
What type of african cichlids can i put in a 20 gallon tank.?

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i have a 20 gallon and just recently fell in love with cichlid. I have a filter that will pump 200 gallons per hour.




  1. all dwarf cichlids should be able to fit in a 20g tank. apistogrammas should ideally have at least 30g, but theyll be fine in only 20g if you keep the water quality high. kribensis cichlids are peaceful, but they require at least 50g. all ram cichlids should be alright, but they need impeccable water quality, so you'll need to cycle the tank with a few hardy fish before putting in the cichlids.

    now in saying that, there are no african cichlids that could fit in a 20g tank. the smallest african cichlid available needs at least 50g, and some need 125g or more. Most need around 70g.

    [edit: well actually, african shell dwellering cichlids can be in a 20g tank, but they aren't that cool and need to heave lots of snail shells around to hide in.]

    all dwarf cichlids are from south or central america, and those are the only things that you could house in a 20g tank.

    ALL cichlids require an experienced aquarist to take care of them. you may absolutely not start or cycle a tank with cichlids.

  2. try this site it may be useful to you good luck

  3. none at all you need a 40 gallon minimum for Malawi's.

    Unless you mean keeping shell dwelling Tanganyikan cichlids then you could keep a few.

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