
What type of airsoft gun the professionals prefer?

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  1. My opinion-

    1. AEGs- Overall, everything else sucks compared to the power of a AEG.(sorry, don't bad talk me, just a opinion). AEGs fire at fast rates, have high ranges, are compatable with internal and external upgrades, and have the greatest magazine size(Average hi-cap- 300 rounds).

    2. GBB- More realistic, but they require gas and have low ranges and little magazine sizes. I really do not use GBBs much.

    3.Spring- Do not get me started on springs. I hate the stupid guns. They are useless in any skirmish. They are always outguned by AEGs and GBBs. They have a tiny-fraction of the ROF of a AEG and little magazine capacity. Good for people runing around their house like idiots shooting each other and promoting anti-airsoft laws, but thats it. And its false that spring "sniper" rifles have range advantage. They have none and a waste of money.

  2. well i like to use AEG's with auto winding drum mags soo you can lay down some serious fire and cover ur teammates without having to break ur fingers off winding up a standard hi-cap mag. Also some spring powered snipers are very good for long range if you put a good scope on them, i have a utg master sniper with no scope but it still knocks people out at 80 feet away. One thing you will always want on your gun is a hop up to adjust the curve of your bullet. Last you should always carry some sort of pistol i suggest a gas blowback because they shoot hard and far and usually last long depending on how you care for your gun

  3. GBB are best in my opinion because for me realism is important. I love the blow back and locking slide. They are have decent velocity around 300fps also I like pistols better because they are easy to maintain and do not break as often as AEGs.

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