
What type of alcohol drink has bad memories for you?

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can you tell me a drink that made your night a living h**l?




  1. Beer it was bitter.............eww

  2. Yuck Jaguar bombs.... I cant even stand the smell them now.....

  3. Harvey Wallbanger

  4. PATRON definitely

  5. tequila!

  6. Beer - my husband was an alcoholic. There were many of those type nights and lost weekends before I divorced him 25+ years ago.  Just the mere smell of beer on anyone brings back those memories.  

  7. 2 Liter bottle of Wine Coolers- anyone remember when they had those? High School threw up  so much that night.  

  8. a whole bottle of smirnoff raspberry


  9. kahlua mudslides - way too many

  10. When I was in the Navy, we had a cookout after we finished our school before being stationed on our ships. We had kegs of beer there, and someone brought a half gallon of Jim Beam. I was drinking the beer and some said you ever tried Jim Beam I said no, so they poured me a cup. I started drinking Jim beam and beer in same cup.. I remember going to bathroom and urinating, thats my last concious memory for about 4 hours. I woke up laying on the ground vomiting, miles away from where we had been. I was drunk for a good Day (24 hours). Jim Beam isnt my friend.

  11. .. whisky, not nice at all. even a few months after, i'm unable to even look a it before throwing up.. bad stuff

  12. vodka with brandy, liquorice liquor, green alcohol?, midori and passion pop



  13. all great memories for no bad ones.

  14. One too many Long Island Iced Teas <g>. I hate the whirlies, I hate being drunk beyond buzzed, and I hate it when all my (mostly) sober friends drive off, leaving me in my car in the bar parking lot. Of course, I probably said, "I'm fine, I don't need a lift." That sounds like me, stupidly independent.

    Everybody moved on at midnight or thereabouts. But at 2AM, I was still trying to read last week's newspaper in my very locked car by streetlight, waiting until I could drive home. When the spinning stopped, I drove off and promptly got lost. Took me almost two hours to find a landmark and point the car the right direction!

  15. White Russians!  Those turned me into a very angry drunk, and spent the evening (more than once, sadly enough) throwing keys at my boyfriend, screaming in the middle of the street, crying in my bedroom, and feeling like p**p the next morning.

    Now, if you want to know about the alcohol that has NO MEMORIES for me?  :)  he-he   Jagermeister!!!  Which is probably true of many Jager drinkers.

  16. sake. I only had a little, when i was 15. But i didn't realize it was concentrated. I had to write an essay that night...  

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