
What type of art projects could 3-6 month old infants do at daycare for christmas?

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What type of art projects could 3-6 month old infants do at daycare for christmas?




  1. I remember mine did a pudding finger painting.

  2. None.  They shouldn't be doing crafts at that age since they are not even going to learn from it, its purely for the parents to have something.  They are too young, trust me on that one.

  3. Try things that involve different tactile stimulants, like softened playdough handprints or pudding painting or stuff like that- at that age they're not going to be creative, but they'll enjoy exploring the different substances.

  4. Have the teacher make a stocking. Put the childs footprint in the stocking with paints. Label the present, "The best gift you ever gave me was direction." Just a thought.

  5. Take their hand print and foot print and put it on a frame. if you keep a log of pictures of things that they are doing that their parents may not see and put it on a stocking .  Pictures  are good because they cherish those special moments such as crawling, etc they may be to young but they do have special moments that may do something that you would like to share with their parents.

  6. You could try doing a shadow silhouette of the child's head and putting it in a nice frame

  7. oh my kid is only 3 months old

    he made a stocking and decorated it with his favorite stickers and he put his name Jeriko

  8. Hand or Foot prints for Grandma and Grandpa.  They'll love them!  Just remember it'll be very messy.

  9. pudding paints and footprints

  10. Are you serious??????????????? Think about what you just asked!!!

  11. Hand or footprints in plaster, then paint them gold- bet the parents would love them.

  12. The babies can't do anything. If you insist on doing something like hand or footprints be aware that you are using the baby as a tool. You can do something nice for the parents by taking individual photos of the kids and putting them in an inexpensive frame or those snap together mugs that are about a buck at a craft store. Label whatever you use with the baby's name and the date.

  13. nothing. its way too young

  14. That is the sweetest question.  They can roll in paint and make a silhouette of themselves. Or just put paint on the side of their face and place it on paper. You can make footprints or hand prints on paper.  It's messy but fun, fun, fun.  And the parents are in a stupor about it.  If they crawl get a crawling print on paper.  Use your imagination.  It's really fun with children at that age.

  15. The only type of art that I would do with a child this age is an open-ended process art activity.  (In fact this is all I would do with any young child!).   I recommend going to the web site, OoeyGooey.   You will find lots of information here about what type of art young children should be doing and often, unfortunately, are not doing.    I would also recommend looking into the work of Mary Ann Kohl, the leader in process art.  

    Enjoy and remember, art should be about the creative process!

    Websites for process or open ended art:

  16. That's really young. With 8 month olds I have helped the kids make their hand print on a sheet of construction paper that says _____'s First Christmas. Then wrap in contact paper, punch a hole in the top and put a string loop at the top to construct an ornament. I've also taken pictures of the kids. I then mount the picture on a sheet of paper they have already colored. Good luck finding a suitable craft. You will end up doing most of the work!

  17. Well, there's not much they can really "do", but if you would like to make special gifts for their parents, here's a great idea. Take a close-up picture of each child's face. Cut the face out in a circle. Get clear contact paper. Cut out two circles. Put the picture face down on the sticky side of one circle. Collect many small Christmas-y things, like red and green tissue paper, red and green yarn, glitter, sequins, etc.  Most babies at this age have not started to develop a pincer grip (older infants could do the yarn, ribbon, and paper), so you can just sprinkle the things onto the sticky circle, around the photo. Make this near them, so they can watch, and sing Jingle Bells or something while you do it. Then, put the other sticky circle on top, to seal everything inside. Write the child's name and "Christmas 2007" around the edges of the photo (permanent marker). Punch a hole in the top and put yarn or ribbon through it. Makes a wonderful keepsake.

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