
What type of background checks must civilians pass to obtain a temporary (limited) access to base ?

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My current employer has a contract coming up to do training on military bases for non-security related issues and we must submit to a back ground check. I would like to know what type of back ground check civilians must submit to in order to gain access for a limited time to have access to limited areas of the base (the contract is for less than a week)




  1. If you are worried, you should not do it.  

  2. It will be a basic criminal and terrorist check. They will simply see if you currently have a warrent for your arrest or if you are affiliated with any terrorist groups. Things of this nature is common for civilians.

  3. The background check will be very thorough so that they can ensure the safety of all members and equipment on the base.

    After 911, the military stepped up security at all domestic and foreign bases.

    A background check will be attended to the same way it would be for a candidate, regardless of the amount of time you'll be spending on the base, or what areas you're given access to. They do not take  chances.

    They will look into juvenile and adult records deeply until they are satisfied they've unearthed all that is there.

    And nobody goes poking around on a military base unaccompanied unless they have the required Security Clearance, regardless of what they do or who they know.

    They are not going to rough up your grandma for information, but they will dig around to see if anything leaps out at them.

    If you haven't committed any crimes as a juvenile or an adult, they'll be happy to grant access to the areas that you'll be visiting.

    Don't sweat it, you'll be fine.

    Best of luck on your assignment.

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