
What type of battery would be best as an external power source for a device needing 12V - .80mA?

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tried using a 12 volt battery running @ 1.3A with a small capacitor it worked for a while but still burnt out.




  1. i'm not sure what the capacitor is there for. If your device has a resistance, it will charge and discharge with the RC time constant.

    your device has some resistance, apply some voltage, and the required current is V/R. if the battery is running out, you need a bigger 12V battery. Amp-hours gives you some idea of what amperage and for how long it can run

  2. If you need only 80mA, 0.08 amps, then any 12 volt battery will work, this is a light load.

    Where did the 1.3 amps come from, if the load is only 80mA? What is the cap for? and what burned out?

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