
What type of bedding should i use?

by  |  earlier

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i use pine bedding and pne of my gerbils is sick is that the reason i think it is "URI" upper respitory infection she weases and her eye is bleeding




  1. Carefresh is sooo much better! I don't mean to be rude, but DO NOT use pine bedding!!! Carefresh is nice and thick, and absorbs really well. Plus, it comes in REALLY BIG packages!

  2. pine and ceder is toxic to rodents.get safe small animal bedding from pets at home.

  3. Take her to the vet and switch to Carefresh. It's dust free so that will help alto!

  4. OMG! NEVER ever use PINE or CEDAR bedding!!! NEVER!!! You should call a vet and see what you can do about your gerbil. Aspen and Eco Bedding are the best beddings for any rodent. Go ahead and try one of those.

    (Looks like you should've done more research before buying a gerbil. I'm not trying to be mean)

    I'm glad you care about your gerbil and you're researching about it :D

    OH and by the way, NEVER EVER EVER EVER listen to the pet store people!!! The make you buy allll the wrong stuff. Make sure you have an aquarium (not a plastic cage) for your gerbil and that you use only aspen or eco bedding for them, etc. etc. BE CAREFUL!!! Good lucky though!! :DDD

  5. did you not do your resurch!!!!!!!

    pine and ceder a big rodent NO NO!

    what to do?:

    swich to carefresh or aspen

  6. Pine and Ceder bedding are bad for your pet. I would recommend CareFresh Bedding. It is comfy for your little critter and it keeps the smell down WAY better.

    Go see a vet about the eye bleeding.

    Good luck,


  7. NEVER use pine or cedar bedding!!! DID YOU NOT DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TAKE ALL YOUR SMALL ANIMALS OFF PINE BEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... carefresh. It's really safe and yes your gerbil has a URI. It's not blood coming from her eye, its something else that I cant spell but you must take her to the vet as soon as you can. He will give you some medication for her. TAKE HIM TO THE VET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. yes that does sound like an upper respiratory infection. you need to separate that gerbil from the other gerbil(s) because that disease is highly contagious and untreatable. and it is not blood that you are seeing it is porphyrin which commonly occurs in animals with upper respiratory infections. take her to a vet and the reason your gerbil has URI is because of the pine bedding which is really dusty and irritated your gerbil's lungs. i would use carefresh its completely dust free, inexpensive,  to chew, soft, absorbent, controls odors, and it can come in different colors.

  9. just use plain sawdust... its th best personally :)

  10. OOOhhhhh nooo!!!! Please take her to the vet for her own sake....and try using other bedding materials, OTHER than the DANGEROUS PINE, or THE OTHER DANGEROUS CEDAR woods, that have dangerous chemicals that can hurt your poor pet. Try using Carefresh, the natural pulp fibers. Or the other safer wood brands, like Aspen. Aspen is not a 100% garentee. So use Carefresh for the basic cage layout. For nesting material, (NESTING) you can use a bit of toilet paper. You can also use timothy hay. Do not use Fluffy bedding. It can be very dangerous if swallowed, and it can get stuck in hamster cheek pouches. It is probably still dangerous if swallowed for your gerbil. GOOD LUCK. Give lots of Tender Loving Care for your pet gerbil!

  11. The oils in pine and cedar bedding often can upset or irritate the resp. systems of those little guys.  The two that I use at work and at home are Carefresh and aspen bedding.  Carefresh seems to be better at smell control but it is more expensive.  Get your gerbil off the pine immediately.  If you don't have the time or money to get to the petstore, just put her on paper towels for now.  You might need to get her to a vet for some antibiotics as well.

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