
What type of bedding would you use for a gerbil?

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What type of bedding would you use for a gerbil?




  1. good pet grade peat moss is good, i used to use it for my gerbil Maria and she loved it.  Great for burrowing.

  2. shredded paper or timothy hay.... i would have guessed shavings as well, but this site says that it can irrated their respiratory systems and liver!!

  3. carefresh, aspen, or yesterdays news.  i recommend carefresh the most.

  4. umm for my guinea pig i use carefree or cedar chips. if you go to petco in the small animal section and see which would be best.

  5. For gerbils, I'd recommend aspen shavings, carefresh, aspen pellets, or corn cob. My top choice is aspen shavings. It's absorbent, masks odors well, and holds up tunnels very well. My gerbils love digging in it.

    Stay away from pine and cedar. The aromatic oils can cause respiratory problems. Cedar is never recommended for small animals. Pine isn't as bad as cedar, but I, personally, wouldn't risk it.

  6. i have gerbils and they are constantly breeding so i use pets at home shaving and i use my own shredded paper for the exttra comfort :)

  7. I currently use Aspen, it's great for burrowing.

    I used to use Carefresh, then Soft-Sorbent, now Aspen.

    Do NOT use Pine or Ceder.

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