
What type of birds are the ones you find in the swap meet?

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What type of birds are the ones you find in the swap meet?




  1. Probably all of them you can imagine. From wild breeder birds to just weened babies of all kinds up for adoption. Your best buy would be one who does not show signs of fear and one who is appears friendlier than all the others, so take your time looking around for just the right bird, remember there are alot of people out there with good birds at these swap meets. and don't beleive everything out there they tell you either. If you think it is unbelievable upon hearing their story or stories about the bird, it's good to walk away from them, because they are likely to be made up anyhow. Only go with what you see the bird acting like at the time. Thats the only way to know for sure thats the bird for you or not.

  2. It is all according to what time of the year you buy them. Baby birds come to the swaps mostly in the fall. In the late summer and fall they sell mostly mature birds. You can find babies at almost any bird fair. Bird fairs are actually about cages, toy and junk that birds don't actually need or can be made cheaply at home. I am a Master Carpenter by trade. I am handy with tools so I build every thing I use for my birds.

    Look at the age of the birds and don't expect to get good breeders unless you buy young birds.

    One of the nicest prettiest singing canary I ever owned I bought as a female at the Kankakee Bird Swap for $10.

  3. umm which ones?





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