
What type of bit should I use on my horse???

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I have been owned my 16 hand TB gelding for about two years and noticed his resistance to my snaffle bit increasing. He is somewhat lazy and I usually use small spurs or carry a crop (i don't need to use the crop, it is just a "threat" kind of). I ride him english. My problem is that whenI ask him to transition down into a slower gait or to stop, it takes at least 10 steps (usually more) for him to actually respond. I always try to use aids and sit really deep in my seat to slow him but he has not been responding to my efforts. I use an eggbutt snaffle and I think I should increase the severity a bit. I do not want an extremely harsh bit... I just need a little wake up call to tell him "HEY! Listen to me" Any other tips would be appreciated as well. Please be specific and explain how the bit works and where the pressure is put etc.etc.




  1. Since your riding him in a snaffle right now, you can switch him to a small Twisted Wire Snaffle. This will get his attention more. However, changing bits will not solve the problem. Because what will happen is you will  move to a more harsher bit everytime there's a problem, and soon you will run out of bits! You need to go to Clinton Anderson's website, at (i think that's the adress) and his main exercise for any horse is just flexing their neck side to side and softening their mouth up. This will eventually get your horse more attentive to the bit, and will solve a lot of problems later on as well. You will have more overall control. Remember, it takes a lot of time and patience, but the end results are worth it!

  2. Try a dr.bristol bit it will give you more pressure in other places such as the tongue then just a regular snaffle. Try and stay away from the twisted wire bits they put uneven pressure on in small areas and can cut your horses mouth.

    I would try a lot on transitions like the first person suggested.

    also start at the walk and ask your horse to halt using only seat and legs. it will take awile for him to stop but repeat this over and over and it will encourage them to focus on your seat aids and not your rein aids. Giving them like a mini break from rein pressure.

    Also try riding everywhere but on the rail. Do constant circle, figure eights, surpintines and changes of drection so he has to focus on you becuase he doesn't know what is coming next. Then try some transitions while  over bending or in shoulder in.

    The problem is you have asked him todo the samething over and over and he is blowing you off so try something new. also rideing out side of the ring, like in the drive or in his paddock so he sees something new but your still expecting the same as in the arena.

    Try trotpoles if he gets bored to easily with the flat.

    make him think.

  3. First I highly recommend that you hire a trainer that will help both you and your horse.  A good trainer can evaluate you and your horse and what you both need.  Buying and using bigger and nastier bits for your horse is rarely the best and most productive solution.  It is fairly inexpensive to hire a trainer for a few sessions and I highly recommend it.  A good trained third set of eyes can work wonders  for both you and your horse to the point where you should need to use spurs, crops or sever bits.  Look into trainers in your area and start asking them what they can do for you with your particular situation.  Also below is a great article that should shed some light on what you are going through.  Good luck and don't go crazy on your horse, a lot of time it is not anything they are doing wrong and they can be untaught undesirable behavior very quickly with the right help.

  4. Instead of changing the bit, try this exercise. Whenever my jumper mare starts to get bull-headed and pull through the bit, I do this with her for a day and it fixes her for a while (I ride her in a loose ring french link)

    Walk a few steps and halt. Repeat until he stops as soon as you ask him to. Trot 10-20 steps and halt. Repeat until he stops as soon as you ask him to. Canter 10-20 strides and halt. Repeat at the TROT until he responds immediately, then try the canter again. If he doesn't respond at the canter, do the trot again, then try the canter. If he really pulls through your hand (at any gait) then ask him to back a few steps after he halts. He should get the hang of it pretty quick. And every time you ride him, do a lot of downward transitions to keep him listening (Walk/halt, trot/walk, trot/halt, canter/trot, canter/walk, canter/halt) If you really cannot get him to respond with this bit, then try a smooth twist snaffle. Same as a plain snaffle, but with a little more texture to get the horse's attention. Good luck :)

  5. This comes as a shocker to myself, but I must say I have never used an eggbutt snaffle before...unless theres another name for it. However, I have used other great bits so not to worry.  I am a western rider, but I know that a D-ring snaffle bit would work on any horse.  I love this bit because it works well in most cases and isn't very severe.  Another bit you could use would be a correction bit, although it may be to harsh for everyday riding.  I wish I could give you more advice, but like I said I'm a western rider so I'm not sure if we all use the same bits...except for the two I mentioned.  If you have any other questions just ask.  Hope I helped!!

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