
What type of books can i read to my baby..Am 22 wks, prego?

by Guest63179  |  earlier

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I heard is always a good idea to read to your baby while they are still inside....Can you recommend some books for me to buy or give a link.





  1. what i would do is instead of readding is listen to motzart  

  2. Honestly baby does not really "understand" what you are reading so buy a book that you would like to read yourself and read it aloud - baby just loves hearing your voice no matter what you are saying just now..

    So read and sing aloud from whatever you want so baby can hear your voice and it would be as well something you would like.

  3. Just get books you think he/she will enjoy later on. I read to my 2 year old every night and i feel like i'm reading to the new baby as well =)

  4. First off, kudos on reading to your child in-utero. Anything you read will be beneficial, just hearing your voice is soothing to them. You can also play music on head phones and put them on your belly. My first child loved it, and would roll around and have a blast in there when ever I put music on.  

  5. I went with poems. My husband read them to my daughter to get her used to the sound of his voice.  She heard his voice in the hospital and turned her head toward him so I am sure it worked.

    She picked up the book we used to read (T.S.Eliot's "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats")  when she was older and it's one of her favorites.  

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