
What type of breed is my pet rabbit alfie?

by  |  earlier

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He is 6 months old and is a brown and grey colour. Here is a photograph of him.




  1. The rabbit appears to be a cross bred..  With the dark coloring on the ears and nose, it may be part Californian which is white with the dark markings.  It is not a rex.  The rex has specific fur, short and velvet=like.  If is is part MiniLop and was going to have lop ears, they would have already dropped.  The color is Tort.  Check on the American Rabbit Breeders Assoc. web site.  They may have color pictures there to give you an idea.  Good luck.

  2. i think he may be a dutch

  3. He most closely resembles a breed known as Cinnamon. He may be a mix though. He is very likely at least half Cinnamon or perhaps even purebred.

  4. An Americain rabbit.

  5. awww!!!

    it is a rex bunny i think. i had a bunny like that. but it could be mixed with something else like dwarf.

    take it to for vet, or pets smart :3

    they can tell you.

  6. A bunny rabbit.

  7. my bunny looks the same (his name is odie!) he is a holland lop ear and his ears will lop soon:P they can live up to 8 to 12 years and his color is called tort (dont ask me it the professional name for it)

  8. holland lop oh he was just so cute and soon the ears will lop.

  9. I'm not sure what type or breed of bun he is, but the colour is called Tortoiseshell.

  10. He looks like a cross breed, possibly has some lop in him, maybe x rex by the shape of his head.

    His colouring is known as sooty fawn in the UK or tortoiseshell in the US.

  11. seal point cross breed maybe x x

  12. i think he kind of looks like a cinnamon but i dont know about the breed.

    check out the arba(american rabbit breeders association)page(below) and the cinnimon breed club but im still unsure.

    Sorry if im wrong

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