
What type of breed/mixed breeds is my cat?

by  |  earlier

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Traits of the breed would be helpful to thanks (:




  1. Long haired Siamese

    A beautiful kitty too!  

  2. saimese

  3. My cat looks just like yours.   Does he/she go limp when you carry him?  Does he follow you around like a dog from room to room?  You might check out some of the information/websites about Ragamuffin cats.  I think that is what mine is.

  4. Siamese, Himalayan

    Loud howl, crook at the end of the tail, likes attention, and smart.

  5. Siamise/Himalayn (long hair)

    Most likely Seal Point,

    extra smart, curious, vocal, responsive, loves attention

  6. burmese or tonkinese for sure. crossed with what else, im not sure

    i have 2 tonkinese cats (half burmese and half siamese) and instantly saw the traits.

    hope this helps! your cat is adorable!


    alot of people are saying siamese, i would say its def more burmese with maybe some siamese. and yea i agree to with the fact it could be some sort of long haired himilayan or persian

  7. sorry but I'm guessing Chinese Descendants  

  8. My mother's cat is half siamese and looks exactly like that, but with shorter fur and white paws. He even sleeps like in your second picture, with his head upside down. You can tell by the face and the points (darker ears, face, feet, tail) that it is at least part Siamese. Is it talkative? Moody? Almost all Siamese cats are vocal. My mother's cat's name should be "shut up, dammit!" as much as it's said to him. :o)    Beautiful kitty.

  9. Siamese Himalayan

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