
What type of bug is this.

by  |  earlier

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Today when me, my grandpa, and dad were done working. We saw this bug. I recorded it.

(My grandpa only speaks spanish, and is here on vacation)

Here are some images.

it looks kind of like a bee or something.




  1. either a mayfly or some type of wasp, i really can't see enough detail to tell you

  2. Looks like a strange dragonfly to me.

  3. Well, I can provide you with some calculatus eliminatus here.

    Its not a Wasp, as wasps don't have a proboscis like that or nearly that large of a rear section.

    On that note, its not like any Vespid I've seen.

    My oddball guess is that its some kind of mosquito, has a similar body structure to one: Tiny center, elongated rear, very long legs, rigid proboscis) but I'm not any kind of student of insects, so I could be making a novice's error in confusing two similar but entirely different species.  

  4. I don't know the name but we have them too. they aren't dangerous, they put that long stinger thing in the tree and suck out the sap or something. (personally I wouldn't get to close to that thing)

  5. That is an Ichnumid Wasp.  They are harmless and cannot sting.  That long thing you see extending from the end of the abdomen is the "ovipositer" of a female.  She is attempting to lay her eggs deep within the tree.  She lowers the ovipositer and works it into the wood deeper and deeper until it's in all the way, then she lays her eggs deep within the wood, and flies away.

    Later the eggs hatch, and the grubs feed on the wood.  When they reach full size, they pupate, then hatch, and out digs an adult wasp.

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