
What type of bug was this? It was on my kitchen counter, If you have ever seen something like this let me know

by Guest33637  |  earlier

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very small in thin, it was slivering it didn't look like it had many legs and it looked like it had two antenas but i couldn't be wrong they could have been legs. I assume they like to be around water or veggies, I had a bowl of veggies on the counter and i found it right next to the sink. I was so afraid of it because of how different it looked. It literally had a silver body and was smaller than a fourth of an inch and was as thin as an eigth of an inch. It was slivering on its belly. Please help me figure this one out.




  1. Silverfish?

  2. Sounds like a silver fish to me. Ant and roach killer should help if you start to see a lot of them or call an exterminate. Your hand followed by a loud noise on the counter should take care of one. Splat!

  3. It's a silverfish

  4. Sounds like a silverfish.  The picture on the wiki page below is greatly enlarged, and they are usually not so dark--normally silvery grey.  But they are harmless.

  5. If it looks like this:

    it is a Silverfish

    In buildings, silverfish can only exist in sufficiently humid, crevice-rich environments. If these two conditions are removed, the silverfish will not be able to live. Measures that may be taken to eliminate silverfish, at least temporarily, include the following:

    By far the most effective way to be rid of silverfish for sure is to keep an area or room tidy, limiting the possible number of breeding grounds they have.

    Ensuring showers, baths etc. are rinsed clean and free of any residual toiletries that may attract hungry silverfish.

    Leaving the bathroom door open after a shower to lessen the humidity

    To capture silverfish, trap in small glass containers - silverfish cannot climb up the smooth inside walls.

    Silverfish can also be caught by sprinkling plaster on a wet white cotton cloth put in a corner overnight, near the silverfish's hideout.

    Placing moth balls in four corners of a room is said to keep silverfish away from wallpaper.

    Adults can be killed by freezing, but it is difficult to kill the eggs.

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