
What type of bugs are in my bed.?

by  |  earlier

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i have found bugs in my bed, they are on the sheet, the cover of the bed, and the bed, so they have gotten through, they are also on the floor and on the clothes and pillows? they look like a minature beetle and they are a reddish brown.. please tell me what you think they might be?




  1. Reddish brown? Bedbugs for sure. Burn everything outside, sheets, matress, pillows the lot. Don't even bother with disinfectant, just destroy them all - that way they won't keep spreading..............

  2. can't think of a reddish brown carpet beetle, maybe one of their cousins that attack food stuff (dried flowers..potpourri too)   look up cigarette beetle and drugstore beetle

    If you had bed bugs as bad as you are describing your sheets would be blood stained

  3. do u have a cat or dog it could also be fleas

    if u have any bite check the center if their red in the center its a flea bite

  4. I'm afraid they may be bedbugs.

    If you have traveled lately, you may have brought them home with you.

  5. Bed bugs are probably what they are. You better get a pest control company if you have that many. You'll be eaten alive.

  6. If they are tiny, they may be bedbugs.  I hear they are making a come back, especially in hotels.  Yuck!

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