
What type of buildings would you find in rome, italy? ( old stone, brick, modern, grass huts, mixed, etc)?

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What type of buildings would you find in rome, italy? ( old stone, brick, modern, grass huts, mixed, etc)?




  1. Mostly old, stone, brick type buildings - that's where the history is.  It's pretty amazing to see these old structures that were built thousands of years ago.  There are also some newer buildings in the mix as well.  It's a great place to visit if you're interested in history or architecture.  Watch out for the drivers though, they can be a bit agressive!

  2. mostly old stone and brick....pretty much every where in europe its like that...

  3. old stone, brick, mixed, glass, steel, and cardboard boxes.

  4. in central rome a lot of heritage from roman times like colosseo then a lot of moder houses flats

  5. You will find a bit of everything, except grass huts and wood...

    Be aware that when we build, we don't use the same materials that are used in the US. Our houses are built to last centuries, and even the interior walls are built in solid bricks. Only in office buildings, that need to be reshaped quite often inside, you will find what we call "cartongesso", which is more similar to your interior walls.

  6. Rome is an entirely stone city.  It's a good place to avoid.

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