
What type of business or work place accepts?

by  |  earlier

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what type of business or work place will accept tattoos in ur arms i know that some business or work place will accept from the elbow up but it can't be notice by customers the reason is cuz i love tattoos i have six but nether are on my arm and i wana get more on my arms but i don't know if thay will make a big deal about it? And no i'm talking about those sucky jobs like (burger king) (jack in the box) (seaworld) (the zoo) ect what ur openion?




  1. Why would you want to jeopardize your chances of getting a decent job by getting a tattoo on your arm when you could avoid the whole problem by getting it on your back or chest or another part of your body that doesn't show? If you love tattoos like you say then you are getting them for yourself, not for anyone else to look at. It is hard to find places anymore who are cool about tattoos.

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