
What type of business will be affected by the way the economy is right now?

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What type of business will be affected by the way the economy is right now?




  1. Personally, I think traditional business will suffer a great deal with the economy.  Home based businesses (most that have a product or a service that's in high demand and always will be in high demand) will not suffer.  Such as the home based business that I have in the telecommunications industry.  Everyone is going to pay their phone bills, rather it's a land line or a cellular, Internet etc.  So I think the telecommuncations industry is safe. DJ sounds like his industry to wouldn't be effected by the economy.  That's great!  I hate to see people effected by how the economy chages.

  2. Just about every business will be effected, either directly or indirectly.

    My business, for example, does better when the economy does badly.  I am making more money than ever right now.  The problem is that I am in the minority.

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