
What type of cage is best for 2 russian dwarf hamsters?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my brother are going to purchase two russian dwarf hamsters. Our budget is around £20-£25.




  1. Do NOT get a hamster/gerbil cage for dwarf hamsters. They will escape in no time. And even if you find them again they will just repeat it. A ten gallon tank will be perfect for two of them because they are small. Ten gallons only usually cost like ten bucks anyway and they are easier to clean. Also you will need an igloo/hut, wheel, bedding, water bottle, food dish, and chew sticks.

    Good Luck!


  2. Do not put two hamsters together.  They are solitary animals who need to be kept alone.  The best cages for hamsters are aquarium tanks with a screened top.  Just make sure that the top is secure.  They are easy to clean and they contain the bedding.  Also, you don't have to worry about your hamsters escaping through the bars.  The minimum size would be a ten gallon.  I have had my hamster in a 10 gallon for over a year and she has done great.

  3. get a 20 gallon aquarium- you don't have to worry about them chewing on bars or escaping.

  4. Hmm do you have a old fish tank or maybe you can buy someones old fish tank and add bedding a home and toys (home asnd toys you can hand make form this website: or another great toy is water bottle habitrailyou connect either water bottles or toilet paper rollas to make your own habitrail, since theres two i would make two of the same houses so no one wants to sleep in a different home

    i hope i helped :)


  5. They have no backbones, so if you can get your little finger through the bars then they will most likely be able to escape (that's what the shop lady told us). Most pet stores do stock good cages/tanks for russian hamsters, and if you ask the staff they will know more than anyone here :D

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