
What type of camera....

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would be the best to get this quality photo:

What megapixel would be the best? i thought i higher megapixel would be better but then i looked at some professional cameras at best buy and the Megapixel count was lower than on some of the other less expensive digital now im confused!!!

so which type of camera and megapixel would be best for that quality? Please nothing more than like 500, preferably less but i just want to know what it out there....




  1. No, no, NOOOO!!!!

    WRONG!!! High mega pixel count is *WORSE* it terms of image quality! (sorry for shouting :) ) The simple rule is lower mega pixel count = better picture. More precisely, the less pixels and larger sensor the less noise. You can have very high MP count on a small sensor (like on almost all current consumer models) but the result will be a horrible noise in less-than-perfect light conditions.

    As for your pictures. I do not see anything 'quality' in those. I think that any current camera will be able to deliver such result.

    For example, look at the girl's skin on the 3rd photo - there is absolutely no details there - just pure white.

    I would really honestly recommend you to take a look at First, find the review of the most expensive camera you can find just to know what is currently possible. After that - visit your favorite on-line store and select some professional-looking cameras (the more k***s the better) that suit your budget. Then find the review of it on dpreview.  

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