
What type of career should I Pursue?

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I was told a long time ago that I would never get a normal job because of my demeanor and the way I look(I was told this at 18 I Believe) now I'm 23

with no job experience

I would have probably joined the National guard or the Army but I'm against what they do,I thought about joining the Police department as well but I'm not sure does anyone know what type of career a guy like me(A cynic I also have misanthrope views,and I joked about things that

some people deem inappropriate)




  1. You sound like me (cynical with inappropriate jokes) and I'm pursuing a career in film. In film you can do almost anything and it comes out being art. Its really great. And the great thing is you really don't need any experience. The best way to get into film is to become a PA (production assistant) and get your foot in the door. Being a PA basically sucks cause you work long hours at the beck and call of a director or producer and the pay isn't great but you meet all kinds of people who can then get you actually good jobs.

  2. Sounds like you have a good future as a stand-up comic. Some of the best of them have routines that snipe at things some people deem inappropriate.

    Did you know that Jay Leno, the nighttime talk show host, was told not to go into entertainment because he had a face that would scare children? And he made it big.

    If that isn't for you, then learn to keep your views out of the workplace.

    How about truck driver? Postal service? Install fiberoptic cable for the phone company? A civil service job? Morgue attendant?

  3. try online collage at you r own past and do what you like  

  4. everyone has to act differently at work, and i do mean everyone.

    their really isn't many jobs that are free of communicating with others...

    but how about truck driving?

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