
What type of careers can I have if my major is Anthropology in college?

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What type of careers can I have if my major is Anthropology in college?




  1. You can join the Peace Corps!

  2. No many! My friend has one! He is a waiter at chilis

  3. Im not going to lie to you, there arnt that many. And if you want to make any money almost none. I graduated with a degree in Anthropology in 2000. I used it for 9 months then had to go back to school for something else. I was an archaeologist. The money is terrible, work is backbreaking and the travel is usually extensive and not anywhere fun (no social life). Social Anthropology I dont think is much better. If you are lucky enough to be granted access to living with a "tribe" or whatever, it is usually in a 3rd world country and for a non-profit (that means the pay sucks) and you live as the natives live. The only job that may pay is either being a professor or possibly doing something in forensics. Other than that, I think that you are wasting your time and money with a major in anthropology (minor may be a better alternative). All I got out of it was a good story to tell people I have just met. everyone thinks its interesting.

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