
What type of characteristics did Hippies have that were environmentally friendly?

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eg. - they did a lot of carpooling and hitch-hiking (which means less cars on the road, less emmissions).




  1. In theory the hippies were friendly to the environment.

    I remember somes hippies that I was acquainted with back in the 1960's. They were some of the most wasteful least environmentally friendly people that I have ever met.

  2. they ate unprocessed foods and grew some of their own vegetables and fruit!!!!!!  They did not shower much!!!

  3. You're talking about a time when hippies were more about peace and love than about the environment although there were a few big issues back then, the main one being nuclear power and the possibility of meltdowns.  They were pretty ineffectual on that count though because nuclear energy is cheap to produce and that offsets (in the minds of the powers that be) worries about another Chernobyl.

    There weren't many people who were worried about the ozone layer or scarcity of materials, that came later.

  4. Water conservation.

  5. They made use of non-edible plants like marijuana.

  6. I hear they really conserved water by not bathing  very often. That is what we need some stinkie people to emulate.

  7. Living lightly on the Earth, growing and sharing food. Using up everything, repair and reuse, limiting purchases of clothes (the advent of vintage clothing stores), communal living; a utopian concept that didn't work in the US, one flush toilet use,walking, biking. Still doing it, the ultimate preparation for the limited income of retirees.

  8. "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down"

  9. burned less fuel and more pot

    reused their bongs over and over again

    did not kill trees

    but picked a lot of flowers ,mmmmmmmmmmmm

    did not buy a lot of deoderant or hair  sprays or similar

    did not use a lot of detergent to wash jeans

    at least not often

    usually drove many to one combi or van

    smiled a lot ,that is very positive

    did not kill many animals

    ate a lot of vegetables in steAD OF COWS

  10. Hello,

    Look at the mess after Woodstock and other concerts and think again! They smoked too much wacky tobacco spreading cough, their second hand smoke.


  11. We started the Save the Whales, dolphin rescue, and tree protection movements, and recycled as much as possible at the time, especially clothing. ;o) And war is VERY environmentally unfriendly.

  12. Actually we tried to tell the world about how the government was manipulating the public and s******g up the world .So they put a name tag on us" HIPPIE " making people believe that we where a rebellious generation and began slowly jailing and killing us off unless we conform into what they wanted us to be and keep our mouths shut . All we wanted was our freedom and live on the land pollution free . And yes we showered . We where just anti establishment but the man said you have to pay so we had no choice but to. Now look at the earth Global warming pollution in the air water and food . these are all the things we tried to stop but the government manipulated you all . So in a way your all turning into hippies trying to do something to help mother earth but the guys are   skin heads  now.

  13. What is your definition of a Hippie?  A person isn't a hippie just because they are environmentally friendly.

  14. Really that people tend to group everyone who dresses a certain way hippie and that is stupid. I have been to an earth day festival that was trashed the next day and guess what...not a single hippie there to clean it up. On the other hand I have been to a commune where composting and bikes, were a part of everyday life. It is the same as everybody else it comes down to the individual.

  15. How do you define a hippie? Anyone who was alive during the 60's?

  16. grew organic veggies and fruits- didn't bathe /shave much- drove VW's aka as the Love Bug..hehehe

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