
What type of chicken is best to get

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what type of chicken looks the best and is best for laying eggs




  1. Australorps are lovely, placid birds and great layers.

    Isa Browns and friendly and tractable and lay brown eggs.

    Araucanas are very pretty birds that lay blue or green shelled eggs, but they can be a bit flighty.

  2. They have chickens from europe don't remember the name but they lay double yolk eggs.

    They are twice the size of what you get in the store.

    I used to by them from a farm in the Almaden Valley, Ca.

  3. It depends on what you want them for--mine are for eggs only.

    Americaunas are awesomely cute--and they lay green eggs!!!

    Leghorns (I have a lovely brown one) lay very large white eggs.

    Silkies are a gorgeous fluffy bantam--they lay mini off white eggs.

    Good Luck to you and LOVE THOSE CHICKENS!!!!

  4. regular food chicken is best for laying eggs

    mountain chickens are the coolest to look at

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