
What type of chicken makes the best pet?

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I'm looking at getting a couple of chickens that we'll raise from chicks but i just want to know which chickens make the best pets. I'd like a chicken that is good with children, one you can hold and follows you around the garden.

Has anyone got any ideas?




  1. black rock is a good sturdy breed that lay lads and are allround purfect fpr first timers. ive got 2 and they are great!

  2. out of my chickens, I like my Buff chicken. I only have one =) she is very friendly and when i come into the pen she comes straight up to me, she lets me pick her up and cuddle her and she pecks at your hand gently as if she is looking for food. She isn't aggressive. ANY chicken can be friendly if you handle them a lot from chicks.

    My Buff is a pullet at the moment and only about 12 weeks old - she looks just like this. She's lovely.

    If you are going to have the chickens around young children don't get the Sussex breed. Ive always found them to be aggressive. (but they do follow me around some days)

  3. I have several breeds of chickens that I raise and I have to say that my Silkies are the most gentle You can get them in several colors.My favorites are the white and the self-blue.My nephew picks op my silkies and carries them around whenever he comes over.

    I also have cochins that are friendly and very pretty.

    I would definitely get a bantam if you want it as a pet,I have found that they are a gentler than the larger breeds.

  4. Well, it really depends on the individual chicks weather their attitude is a people-loving attitude or a mean one. If you only want them for eggs and pets, I would suggest ordering only females or buying a breed that is s*x-linked. Roosters can be quit ornery, but not all are.

    The two breeds that most people swear by as a good family friendly bird are orpingtons and silkies. Silkies are bantams and stay very small, orpingtons get big but are very docile with a friendly personality.

    Here are links to pages with info about both:



  5. I'd definately recommend pekin bantams. They're small and very friendly so make perfect pets for children. My daughter is 18 months old and adores them. They're eggs may be small but they are some of the best I've eaten. They're so easy to look after as they consume less also meaning they make less mess. Plus they come is so many colours: white, black, lavender, lemon, buff, red, gold partridge, silver partridge, blue, mottled, crele, columbian, porcelain, brichen and salmon. Plus there's probably more. You can get some of the colour in different patterns too: cuckoo, frizzled and splash.

    I breed lavenders and whites and have just bought in red and black/red eggs.



    Hope that helps :-)

  6. a chicken kiev.

  7. most all breeds will make really good pets if they are raised around people.but some really sweet breeds that Ive had are

    cochins, silkies, polish, and americanas

  8. Try a silkie they look cute and have a friendly personality. Just don't get a banny the males are super aggressive.

    Try these sites:

    Contains a list and description of all chicken breeds:

  9. japanese bantams

  10. The friendly ones are the polish

    the ones w/ the affros lol

    the hardiest are the turkens n barred rocks

    but if ur looking 4 eggs

    Americanas lay green/blue eggs

  11. Pekin and Silkie bantams are very docile and make excellent pets for children. They're also small and fluffy, so need less space and are less likely to destroy your garden. Pekins look like big balls of feathers, and come in lots of different colours. Silkies are very fluffy and soft, their plummage looks more like fur than feathers. Both lay eggs about half the size of a standard hen's egg, and both make excellent broodies.

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