
What type of classes should I take before I start college in two years?

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I want to go to school for architecture and design, and I was wondering what sort of classes I would need or want to know a little about before starting college. I figure that the sooner you start something like this the easier it will be in the future. Thanks!




  1. i think you will be good with sketching and geometry

  2. General Education classes are always the best starters. ..

  3. You could take sketching classes and architechtural design-I took one of those in HS and it was fun. I also took woodshop class which was also a lot of fun.

    I wouldn't worry too much though because unless you are actually taking college classes while your in HS, most of the times it doesn't matter. When you go to college you will mostly have to take the regular English, math, history, language, psychology, art/music, speech classes for the first two years and only some of your majors classes during this time.  

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