
What type of commercials do you hate more?

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What type of commercials do you hate more?, commercials that tell you what you think, or commercials that tell you what to do?




  1. Commercials trying to sell something they are most annoying and I have noticed lately when a commercial comes on, how the volume will

    blast me into space like we are hard of hearing oh it goes up from a

    level 2 and all of a sudden level 10 volume???////////////

  2. ******* infomercials their sooo annoying! And those commercials with ringtones, and like "Does your crush like you" and "See if you and your crush are in the stars". SO ANNOYING

  3. The Geico commercial with the cave men. It's so absolutely stupid that I told my husband if this would be the last car insurance company in America I would move to Europe.

    Very repulsive!!!

  4. Personally, commercials that tell me how to think just really fires me up. I mean, most commercials generally are telling you to buy or act or do something, but telling you how to think is just the final straw. Everyone has an individual mind and way of thinking, don't take away our means of expressing our individuality and stop trying to turn us into plastic clones that all think the same and never make mistakes. It makes me sick.


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