
What type of concession food would you eat at an airport? IE: hotdogs, popcorn, trailmix,etc...?

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What type of concession food would you eat at an airport? IE: hotdogs, popcorn, trailmix,etc...?




  1. Coffee Bean


    California Pizza Kitchen

    That's what sells at the airports I go to.

  2. Since I hardly ever get one, and larger airports have them, I'd go to Cinnabon and have one of their delicious Cinnabons.

  3. I love both popcorn and trail-mix.

    But considering that you'd be selling it at an airport, the name "trail mix" really works. Plus being heavier than popcorn, trail-mix would be less likely to leave a "trail" around the airport.

    Best to you!

  4. Hotdogs!! Hotdogs by far taste much better outside of the home.

  5. I usually eat where they sell drinks.

  6. You are living in the past. Nowadays airports sell high-end food to their captive audience. You can get lobster, steaks, pasta, chicken, and almost anything you could get at an expensive sit-down place. Only the price is higher.

  7. Cinnamon rolls

  8. When I have time, I sit down or get takeout from the French Meadow Bakery which offers all sorts of healthy and organic soups, sandwiches, salads, and fabulous cookies and other baked goods!

    I love popcorn and would definitely like to buy some high quality popcorn, like a three way Chicago style, but I rarely see good popcorn at airports.

  9. any food that is not meat, or cooked. bagged and bottled is best for me.

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