
What type of court is Handball played on?

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Is it like a soccer field or what?




  1. Where Im from its actually played just like raquetball on a raquetball court... only no rackets and the ball is smaller and harder.

  2. go to wikipedia

  3. Handball is played on a court forty meters long by twenty meters wide (40mx20m), with a dividing line in the middle and a goal in the center of either end. The goals are surrounded by a near-semicircular line that is generally six meters (6m) away from the goal, called the crease. There is also a dashed near-semicircular line that is nine meters (9m) away from the goal. In established play (which is most of the time, although counterattacking is becoming increasingly important), the defenders stand right outside the 6 m line, with the attacking players throwing the ball to each other a bit outside the 9 m line, trying to create an attack (either by shooting from a distance, or passing to a player standing at the 6 m line).

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