
What type of critter is this?

by Guest58681  |  earlier

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Hey people- I recently took a trip to Cuernavaca, Mexico and while there we took trips to places like Las Grutas and Tepolzan and there were all kinds of these brown almost "lemur like" critters. I am trying to figure out what they are- no one knew what they were not even the natives. They are brown, no rings on tails, kinda fuzzy, black paws, and a long tail like a lemur. It seems like they live in forest areas. Anyone been to Mexico and know what I am talking about? If so, what are they?




  1. I live in Cuernavaca. We have lemur like animals that are called "cacomixtles", they are related to racoons, fuzzy, with paws and pointed ears. But they DO have rings on their tails. Maybe they don't have them if they are very young, but all cacomixtles I've seen are ring-tailed.

    "Tlacuaches" are oppossums, but they do not have fuzzy tails, just bare tails, like rats. They are all over the place, and yes, the poor things get killed for stealing eggs, etc. (Cacomixtles do the same, but they tend to be a little more intelligent at escaping from hunters).

    See them here:

  2. I live in the state of Veracruz, and we have critters just like that.   They are are a type of opossum and are called "tlachuaches" here( I am sure I did not spell that correctly.)  They are usually nocturnal,, have prehensile tails ( use them to cling to trees) .  They have very round eyes, and are often killed because they hunt and kill chickens.

  3. Could thay be coatimundis?  Click the link below and see all the varities of coatis.

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