
What type of degree does a college coach need?

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My husband is currently in school to become a history teacher/coach. He is wondering if he wanted to go on to be a college coach in later years would he need to further his degree




  1. You did not include which sport hubby hopes to coach; although it should not matter...unless it does with the particular college or university.  Any type of bachelor's degree should be plenty; while I would be willing to bet that there have been plenty of coaches that have not had that high of a degree.   He should call or send letters to 3 or 4 colleges; tell them of his aspirations and ask if they have a certain educational requirement for the sport he hopes to coach.

  2. My uncle was a college level history teacher (prof.)  I would consider whether or not your husbands teaching degree includes any college level history certification.  Unless he will be strictly coaching. Some colleges require more than others also.

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