
What type of deodorant is safe for a 5 year old?

by  |  earlier

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Hello All!!

My stepdaughter is only 5 years old but I think she's going to mature fairly early because she carries a very strong underarm scent. She bathes every night before bed. I use dove radiant silk and it's never broken her out or anything. I'm just wondering if this is safe and if not what should we use?





  1. ok this is not normal so i would get help FAST!

  2. This seems rather unusual.  I would consult your pediatrician before using anything like that on her.  Perhaps he can refer you to a dermatologist to see if there is a problem.

    Maybe using Safeguard or another deodorant soap just under her arms might help?

  3. When I was in high school and in college, I used to work as a receptionist for my mom, who is a dermatologist.

    Your stepdaughter doesn't need deodorant, she needs to see a doctor. Strong underarm scent in children that young is usually a sign of infection or irritation that got infected. It's not uncommon for kids her age to get fungal infections, especially if she was wearing the same t-shirt or jacket when she was sweating.

    It's also possible that she might have picked athlete's food (yes,you can get it in your armpits). The armpits are an ideal area for infections to grow, and she could have picked it up by using a towel that wasn't perfectly clean, by switching t-shirts, or if she was sick and her immune system was low. Check if there are any signs of redness, irritation, dry skin or flakiness.

    Take her to the doctor as soon as you can, and in the meantime use a neutral antibacterial powder like the children's Goldbond. Wash her often, but use a mild soap to avoid further irritation, and dress her in breathable fabrics. If she has to wear a leotard or something like that for gym or dance class, put cotton inserts under her arms (they sell them in all stores as "sweat pads", or have her wear a snug cotton t-shirt under it.

  4. Whether or not they are starting puberty, if they have a 'very strong body odor,' then you want to help them control it. In addition to considering using a deodorant, you might make sure that they practice these general personal hygiene basics, including that they:

    ^ take their bath or shower in the morning, so that there are fewer bacteria on their skin to make their sweat smell

    ^ take another bath or shower after activities and sports when they sweat a lot

    ^ actually wash with soap and a washcloth all over, including their armpits, genitals, and feet, when they take a bath or shower

    ^ wear clean underwear, socks, and other clothes each day

    ^ wear loose fitting cotton clothing that may help them to sweat less

    ^ watch their diet to see if something they are eating, like garlic, onions, or spicy food, is causing, or at least contributing, to the BO.

  5. 5 seems awfully young for deoderant but either way any deoderant should be fine.

  6. Your step daughter may be going through a medical problem called precocious puberty. Sometimes that adult smelling odor is one of the first indications that there is a problem.  This hormone imbalance can cause all kinds of problems for her the least of which is body odor. She needs to be seen by a pediatrician and have some blood tests drawn to see if this is what is going on. If it is precocious puberty she can grow hair, b*****s and begin her period before she is 8 and this will not only stunt her normal growth, but in some instances a tumor is involved. Take her to the pediatrician to be sure, You may have to go see an endocrinologist as well but you need to find out. Hope it all is ok and you are great for being a loving and concerned "mom"

  7. Are you doing the washing or is she?  Maybe she's not washing herself properly when she's in the tub or shower.  You need to take her to the pediatrician if she is seriously having underarm odor at that age.  That's definitely not normal and you don't want her using deodorant at that age.  It is not safe.

  8. have her thyroid checked.

  9. Please, I hope you are not making a big deal about this, with her or talking about it. Something so silly could give her a complex for the rest of her life. She is fine just mention it to doctor but (DON"T MAKE A BIG DEAL ABOUT IT)

    They have little girls deodorant and teen deodorant's at targets Walmarts really every wheres that smell like little kids scents make it fun and like she is big.

    Next time tell the doctor see what the doctor says!

    It might be something she is eating? lots of onion, garlic, spices,  ect.

  10. omg are u serious?? i have NEVER heard of a 5 year old needing deodorant... my daughters 5 and i wouldnt even think of it....

  11. No 5 year old needs or should  use deoderant.  It is full of unsafe chemicals.  Try patting some baby powder under her arms to absorb moisture & odor.  It should help.

  12. A 5 yr old does not need deodorant as their sweat glands have not matured ..

    Bathe her more often   but next time  she sees the pediatrician mention it to them.

  13. Nothing until they are at least 9 or older due to the need to perspire.  Your ped. will tell you the same thing

  14. I use dove also.... as does my 5 year old daughter when she has dance class or t-ball.  never had a problem with it.   I even asked her doc and he said that it is ok for her to use it

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