
What type of doctor do i need to see to get some answers on my back pain?

by  |  earlier

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I was in a car accident on 5/6/08 and have had nothing but problems. Pain in my lower back and into my legs. I had an bilateral injection which was very painful, but did no good. I was initially told that i had a bulging disc but nothing to worry about but another doctor said that would be bothersome and did the injection. Couldn't walk for a week after that. Then did physical therapy and they just scratched there heads and wasn't getting very far with that. So i thought i could see my neurologist that i trust because i see him for my migraines. He kind of just said he doesn't see any nerve problems, and then boom i put my back out and resting wasn't doing any good. He finally scheduled me for a epidural in my lumbar spine which helped about 50% but still not enough relief to try to get me through full days at work. I try talking to him but just seems to ignore what i'm saying. HELP, who in the heck do i see for this problem. Lower back pain all across and through groin, and down legs but no rhyme or reason to it. It can teeter totor with the legs. Anyone have any ideas for doctors?




  1. you need to get yourself an appointment with a Neurologist.

  2. a back and spine specialist.

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