
What type of doctor do you see for anxiety issues?

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I don't have panic attacks; I am constantly tense and very anxious. I told a doctor once and she gave me Zoloft. I didn't like the idea of pills to treat it, so I didn't take them. I've seen psychologists, but that only seems to help for a short time. My anxiety is really disturbing my life, and I'm considering seeing a doctor about medicine again. What are the pros/cons? What are the pills they give you for this called? If I see a doctor, could I be labeled with this forever? For example, would I have to include in job applications that I have anxiety?




  1. you don't have to include it on a job application.  Zoloft does not do well for your issue anyway.  There are a few side effects but MAOI's are a GREAT way to help with your issue.  Ask for Emsam.  It is the cleanest of the MAOI's.

  2. Zoloft and Prozac are for depression

    Arapax is more for  anxiety.

    The are not addictive and are quite safe

    have been on the for 9 years and my doctor

    tells me they are safer than panadol.

  3. I know life can be stressful but take a deep breath and take each part of life little by little! I hope things get better for you! :)

  4. Zoloft is not for anxiety, its more for depression. There are some great anti-anxiety meds out there (too many to list). A pyschologist should be able to prescribe these to you. I actually got my GYNO to prescribe me some. OR you can probably just see a General Medicene Doc.

    Pros/Cons... it might take you a while to find the right medication for you. Some meds work better for people than others. Also there are alot of side effects, as you know. But once you find the right med, and the right dose for you I think you will feel much better!  And remember this does not have to be a life long thing... everyone needs a little help sometimes, even if it is with medication...

    Future jobs? YES you should always be honest with your job about any medication you are taking, this however will NOT affect you! If you lie and they find out later, then you could get in serious trouble!

    Good luck! =)

  5. Go for a good longish walk every day.

    Avoid doctors who are eager to prescribe things that make you happy.

    Figure out what's making you anxious and deal with it.

    Accept that life is risky.... and smile about it.

  6. NO! don't go to a psychiatrist! they always prescribe medicines.. its because they are taught that its the cure for all these mental sickness when actually sometimes what a person really needs is a good counseling.. why not try to go to a psychologist again and be sure that you have listed all the things your mind questions.. psychiatrist are.. blaaaaah. i need someone to talk to! not medicine.

  7. I have tried a lot of medications and while I haven't had much luck, I am a very rare case.

    Do not put anxiety down on a job application.  This is technically a lie but the potential for your employer to use it against you is very high.  It's frankly none of their business unless anxiety causes you to miss a lot of work.  

    Medication is only half the battle.  Maybe less.  I highly recommend that you see a therapist of some sort.  Try several until you find one that you like.  

    So what types of doctors?  I see a psychiatrist for my medications.  Don't go to your general practice doctor for this.  While they get the full pitch and even training from the pharmaceutical companies, see a specialist.  I only see him every couple of months.  I see a therapist once a week to help me deal with the source of my anxiety and he is a MFT.  Not even a doctor but I must say that he has been a million times better for helping me identify and deal with my anxiety than the half dozen others with diplomas all over their walls.  

    I'm not saying that diploma = bad therapy, that just happens to be the case in my situation.

    Best of luck to you.

  8. Start with your primary doctor. If you need a specialist, s/he will refer you. If you don't have insurance, just go to a general practitioner (internist.)  There are many great medications for anxiety/panic attacks.  Be sure to tell the doctor everything.  That will help him figure out which med will be best for you.  Sometimes you might have to try 2 or 3 till you find the right one.

    For anxiety alone, without depression, you might have been thinking of valium, xanax, or what I think is a wonder drug, Klonopin. Those work within 30 minutes, unlike Zoloft, Pazil, or Prozac which take up to 2-3 weeks to work.

    Bless you and good luck!  :)

  9. Rule of thumb do not allow a MD to treat you for anything mental, they are not trained in this area. Only a psychologist or psychiatrist can properly treat this condition.  something like anxiety or panic attacks need to be treated, a boss would rather you have the condition under control than have to deal with you having an episode at work. Plus would you rather have your life back or not take pills, if pills work you will not have to live with the attacks, but the key to keeping it under control is to stay on your treatment. Be careful with Zoloft, there are other medications that can be used as well. Just research what is normal and expected for the medication, and what is an unexpected reaction.  

  10. You should go back to your doctor and take the medication he proscribes for you. Zoloft and medications like it are antidepressants. However, you shouldn't consider yourself "labeled" with anything. You aren't required to disclose anxiety disorders to your employers. Once you start taking the medication you'll be glad you did. It's much better to seek help than to live your life feeling anxious.

  11. Generally you would see your GP first and if they felt the need they would recommend you to someone else. There are hundreds of possible drugs for anxiety. Some people struggle with it for a very long time before they find the one that is right for them.

    If you don't like the idea of drugs try seeing a counselor or a social worker. Just talking about things that are stressing you can be helpful and they are also trained to teach you ways of dealing with it such as different thought patterns. Naturopaths also have options for you like aromatherapy and a completely natural anxiety relief herb called St John's Wort. My partner is currently on St John's Wort and finds it very helpful.

    You don't have to include it on your resume but if it effects your work life you may want to try and have it fixed up before you look for a serious job. Some people do suffer with anxiety their whole lives but often it is not a life long condition.

    If you want to try delaing with this on your own you could try keeping a diary, making sure you get enough exercise, (it's amazing how much this helps with mental health) eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water, listening to soothing music, etc.

    Good luck, and I hope this helped.

  12. You would see a psychiatrist because they can dispense medication for anxiety. A family doctor can prescribe anti-anxiety medication but they do not know them as well as a psychiatrist would. They are also less likely to prescribe a tranquilizer than a psychiatrist. (For some reason, the family doctors are terrified to give prescriptions for tranquilizers to treat anxiety)

    A psychologist (Therapist who does not prescribe medication) can help but you should take medication at the same time.(often Psychiatrists work together with therapists)  I have found that a dual approach to the problem is very helpful. There are a number of different anxiety disorders that do not always include panic attacks. I have OCD and panic attacks are rare but my disorder is fueled by fear and anxiety.

    You never have to disclose your mental history to an employer on a job application. You are welcome to tell them about it if you are comfortable with that but you never have to tell them about it. Mental health is protected and no one at the doctors office can tell that you are seeing them, so you don't have to worry about discrimination.

    The pills they would give you would either be an SSRI type drug or a tranquilizer or maybe even both. SSRI type drugs work slowly, it sometimes takes up to 6 weeks to get relief from them. A tranquilizer will normally work within a half an hour. Tranquilizers can be addictive so you have to be very careful how you use them and try to use the minimum dose that still is helpful for you. SSRI drugs can have a number of side effects. The main ones to watch out for, is if you notice you are getting WORSE after you start taking them. If you remain about the same at first, this is normal but you shouldn't get worse before you get better. If you notice you are getting worse on it, go back to your psychiatrist and have him switch you to a different SSRI type medication. There are several types. One of the most common they give is called Paxil for anxiety. This is the one that most doctors start with and if it doesn't work they move onto other ones.

    EDIT: Be aware that not all anxiety is caused by situations. Sometimes it is caused by an imbalance in the brain chemistry. I get adrenaline rushes all the time that are not connected to any outside problems. My body just reacts that way because of an imbalance. Medication is the only way  to treat this type of anxiety disorder.

  13. Hi frnd.

            The best person you can visit or can meet is a Psychiatrist and am sure he is the person who can understand and rectify the problem what you have in you. So please consult him and am sure u will get ridoff the tensions and the anxiety issues soon..

    All the best..

  14. I take Zoloft for anxiety and no Ive never had to put that on an application. By taking those meds it doesn't classify you as a crazy person.

    The reason for your anxiety is caused by the lack of serotonin in your brain. The meds put it back.

    Your doctor with put you on it for awhile then wean you off at a time you both see fit.  

  15. I would suggest you go to a psychiatrist too. They can counsel and give medication. Many people take medication for anxiety and depression and it is nothing to be afraid of. If you don't react well to the medication, a good doctor will be willing to work with you to find something that helps. I wasted 6 years on counseling, free clinics, psychologists and did not receive relief until I got meds. If you have questions about what they prescribe, then ask them. If you ever have to fill out an app that asks such personal questions, I would leave it blank or just mark as much as you felt like marking. And a doctor can never give out personal info about you, it's against confidentiality that they have to keep.

  16. NONE of them will help you!

    Go to the website: and reseach the topic.  

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