
What type of drug test do they administer for becoming a commercial pilots?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sorry I should be more specific I suppose, I mean are you given a urine test, blood work, hair samples?? That sort of nature.




  1. To become a Commercial operator of a US registered aircraft you need at least a 2nd class medical from a certified Aviation medical Doctor. To act as PIC (Pilot in Command) of an aircraft for commercial purposes you need a 1st class medical.

    These tests may consist of testing of the eyes, ear, and Urine. You may be asked to fill out a questionnaire of past medical history and accidents, etc.

    Other than that you have to do a 1st class medical every 6 months to act as PIC, where your Urine and blood pressure will be checked. They are looking for a history of liver disease, trace of pro-hibitted drugs, Alcohol and anything that could reveal danger to operation of an aircraft

    I am assuming you will do so in the US.

    If in another country like China, prepare for 1 whole days of testing every square inch of your body, with all the equipment available.

  2. I would have to say all, and any.

  3. as long as they dont do a hair sample I will be cool

  4. If you are interested in drugs, you are not the kind of person who makes a good pilot.  The two ideas are mutually exclusive.

    Another way to say that is to say that if you have to ask about drug testing, you won't succeed as a pilot, and you should look into other career options.

    Good luck.

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