
What type of dwarf hamster fights the least?

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do 2 females fight more than 2 male dwarf hamsters?




  1. You've probably read somewhere that dwarf hamsters in the wild live as a pack right? Well in captivity, that totally changes. There are no dwarf hamsters that would not fight with the other. I asked someone at a pet shop if I could put two together and she said that there is a very slim chance that they would NOT fight. If you want one that does not bite as much, I would say either the Robo (which you can't really hold) or the Winter White's. Robo's are very fast, and the reason I would suggest them if you want one that does not bite is because they are too small to bite. Winter Whites are the most gentle of all the dwarf hamsters, but they are rodents, and rodents bite. Winter Whites are rarely found in stores or are put in with the regular dwarf's. I would also suggest finding a breeder or a store that breeds their own hamsters. They are more healthy and are more tame when you get them. Also, they actually know how old they are ;). To answer your second question, males fight less. Although they fight still, they are less likely to fight then females. The males are also tamer than the females.

    Just for your info, Syrians are easier to tame and more gentle than dwarfs.

    Hope this helped!

  2. I think males and females are pretty much the same temperement (I have owned both).  Get a same s*x pair or group (only a pair if chinese dwarfs).  

    If they are from the same litter or introduced when very young all dwarf hamsters are very social.  The most agressive are the chinese so only get a pair and no more and make sure they have plenty of space.  Roborovski, russian and winter white almost never fight.  

    Do not worry abour pley fighting unless there is an injury.

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