
What type of ear muffs do you recommend to block out the sound of women?

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Can you send me some links? Do I need to wear the ones that drill operators use? They are kind of ugly and 'hard' looking. Will the fluffy kind block out noise?




  1. I recommend that you just tape that female's mouth to shut her up... :D

  2. Why block your ears when you can stop the problem at the source and cut out the middle man? Did us Males lose a war I was unaware of? If you check your anatomy you will see several appendages which can be inserted into said "noise organ" to silence your missus.  

  3. Oh Yeah, they are called "Lady-Talker-Blockers" You can purchase a pair at Walmart very reasonable. The down side is, they cannot distinguish the sounds of a g*y guy.

  4. they are called ear plugs

  5. I recommend the Merkin Muffs

  6. hmmmm...thanks...I laughed when I read your question and that led to my wife slugging me where it hurts.. just 'cuz I made some offhanded comment about keeping women quiet. I apologize and am prepared for my beating.

    ok...there is a difference between "sound suppression" and "noise protection". Sound suppression headphones have electronic noise filters and work very well. Noise protection is what you seem to be describing so here are a few sites for you:

    oh, and here are a link that help us all understand why a person should consider solutions for blocking out the sound of women:

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