
What type of education would u like to give to your child in todays world?

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What type of education would u like to give to your child in todays world?




  1. All I want is ANY  EDUCATION, (Since High School Nothing! )Just from me, IEP is as if Does NOT Exist, Ask many questions, know your RIGHTS, My child is LOST from his school, I only WISH I got involved sooner, He is smart just has a disability     ( he did not ask to have ),   Mostly punished for it! Never help, PLEASE ASK ASK ASK , For your own child!   Good luck    Hopefully your school will help Best wishes. Ever child DESERVES an education, disability or not. : (   Most schools have NO IDEA about ADHD combined type, how it severely affects how to remember how much support needed ( simple things reminders, e-mails, progress reports, not hard ) I HOPE your school is helpful!!!!!!!!!!!! I would never want anyone to go through what my son and I am and what we have been since High School. : (

  2. One that prepares them so that as adults that they are:

    * ethical, just, and kind to others

    * able to learn and adapt as they go along in a job or life.

    * well prepared for the job market

    * able to take consequences for their decisions without laying blame on others

    * able to handle, effectively, their own finances

    * able to contribute and give back to society

    * well grounded in all the basics, especially the sciences so that they can evaluate, critically, the news that they hear and read daily.

    * able to express themselves well and on many levels.

    This is my goal anyway.

  3. One that allows them to be individuals, not just a number in overcrowded and bureaucratic school systems.

    Children here are forced to sit down and memorize useless facts that they may never need again. That is not learning. Children learn through hands-on experiences.

    My son is a high school junior in a magnet program in Los Angeles. I do not believe he got the best education possible. I was too young and ignorant to know what to look for or what was out there when he was very young.

    All children learn in very different ways and have different intelligences (interpersonal, musical, etc.) The key is knowing your child.

  4. Homeschool

    Michelle wrote -- Children here are forced to sit down and memorize useless facts that they may never need again. That is not learning. Children learn through hands-on experiences.

    This is EXACTLY what homeschooling does.

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