
What type of email response would u prefer?

by  |  earlier

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There's a girl you work with who seems to be very shy and quiet but very sweet and kind. You've tried to open her up a bit and she has done so gradually. She's also shown you that she appreciates your friendship, but she still seems hesitant and reserved around you. If you emailed her a question, what type of email would you prefer back?

1.) Just her answer and a polite closing

2.) Her answer & a few sentences about what's been new lately

3.) Her answer and a detailed paragraph or two where she talks about what's been going on and tries to open up the conversation by asking you some questions.




  1. Well I suppose I would prefer the 3rd option but would most likely expect the 1st. Not everyone is comfortable disclosing details of their personal life to co-workers regardless of how friendly they seem

  2. One or Two I suppose, the third one seems a bit too much personal info for a work e-mail.

  3. the second one, i guess.  

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