
What type of energy is provided by glucose?

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What type of energy is provided by glucose?




  1. Our body's primary source of energy takes the form of glucose. This type of sugar comes from digesting carbohydrates into a chemical that we can easily convert to energy. When glucose levels in the bloodstream aren't properly regulated, one can develop a serious condition, such as diabetes.

    We get most of our glucose from digesting the sugar and starch in carbohydrates. Foods like rice, pasta, grain, potatoes, fruits, a few vegetables, and processed sweets qualify as carbohydrates. Our digestive system, using bile and enzymes, breaks down the starch and sugar in these foods into glucose. This functional form of energy then gets absorbed through the small intestine into the bloodstream. There, a chemical known as insulin, excreted by the pancreas, meets the glucose. Together, they can enter cells in muscles and the brain, allowing glucose to power activities like lifting a book or remembering a phone number.

    Since it is such a vital form of energy, and interacts with both the digestive and endocrine system, keeping glucose within a normal range is extremely important to health. Our body has adapted to maintain this ideal level by storing extra glucose in the liver as glycogen, so it can be reabsorbed when our levels drop. We can also speed or slow the release of insulin. However, at any step in the process, problems can arise in keeping the right amount of glucose circulating in the blood.

    Excessively high glucose levels, called hyperglycemia, might be due to too much sugar or too little insulin. The opposite, extremely low glucose levels, can result from too little food or variable insulin excretion. A common disease related to irregular management of glucose is diabetes. Sometimes, diabetes can be controlled by strict dietary requirements, or a diabetic might need insulin injections. Your doctor can measure your glucose levels with a simple blood test to determine if you are within a healthy range.

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