
What type of filter for 10 gallon fish tank?

by  |  earlier

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So from answers of other questions I've asked on here, people told me that I can only have sand in my fish tank if I have a certain kind of filter. I have a 10 gallon empty fish tank and I want sand instead of gravel because it looks so much nicer and natural. I'm wondering how do I know if my filter will work with sand or not? The filter I have with it came with the tank in a kit.




  1. the only filter that sand does not work with is undergravel filters

    if the sand is very fine then when useing a power filter you will need to get a sponge to put on the inlet tube to keep the sand out

    if you have an under gravel filter you can get a fine gravel that is natural at most pet store or even a landscapeing store  

  2. All my tanks are with sand and -i have no problems with the filter.

    You can put a piece of driftwood below the suction hose to prevent the filter from sucking to much sand in.

    (I hope you understood waht i mean /I'm German and my English is far from perfect )


    Yes the first poster is right , you can't use sand with an undergravel filter.

  3. Hi, sand is fine as long as you keep a couple of things in mind:\

    - be sure to put a stocking on the end of your vacuum cleaner so you dont suck up too much of the sand, although you may have a problem with your poo, uneaten food etc, maybe you should keep a net under the vaccuum to catch it

    - turn your filter off when you clean the sand so you don't have sand in your impeller, that will definitely have a potential to harm it

    I hope that helped :))

  4. nothing really is gonna happen unless the suction tube is actually at the sand which it will suck it up but i suggest you get the whisper power filter 10 for a ten gallon.

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