
What type of fish for 4 gallon Biorb fish tank?

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My kids would like to get a fish or two and we like the way the biorb fish tank looks. What would be an ideal fish for this small of a tank? We would like 2 fish so they each "have their own." THanks!




  1. A betta is the only fish that will surive in a 4 gallon tank. And you can't have two of either s*x, male or female. You can have multiple females if you have a large enough tank... but 4 gallons is not large enough. So if you get a betta get one male or one female. The males have larger tails.

  2. ell, let me tell you, NO GOLDFISH! They need 10 gallons each and I just know someone will sugest that! I was gonna say a betta, but you can not keep 2 together. hmm....2 african dwarf frogs! Feed them frozen bloodworms, a cube each. Just thaw the bloodworms out and throw them on! Or 2 crawfish, small ones and put sinking pellets and random stuf in there to eat. You are kind limited, most fish are either solotary or stay in groups of 6 or more. Well, if you get the frogs, you NEED to cycl the tank before you add them! Ammonia kills them! Here is how to do a fishless cycle-

    The only 2 atual fish I can think of that could go in there are 2 female dwarf gouramis, but females are hard to find and they are not colorfull. Or a male and a female. But not 2 males. They will fight, not as bad as bettas, but they could kill each other. In that size tank you are really limited. Do not get 2 female bettas, if yu want to keep female bettas together you need a 10+ gallon tank and 3+ female bettas. Sorry I cuold not help you with findinfg a fish, but do not get only 2 schooling fish (All tetras are schoolrs) And research b4 you buy them!!

    Edit:Duh! 2 guppies! 2 male guppies! Do not get a male and a female or you will end up with a bizzilion fry, and for every male you need 2 females so the females do not get stressed by the male always wanting to mate.

  3. If you havent already bought the tank, i would advise against it, there are plenty of better tanks out there. The biorb filtration is not very good, and is tougher to clean, i would suggest the minibow 5 ( or even go a little bigger and get a 6 gallon eclipse system ( which has a very good filter, and when it comes to fish, bigger is alwasy better (tank-wise). if that is alittle to pricy, then you could also get the 6 gallon bookshelf aquarium ( which is a little longer, and gives more space to swim. this is all to say if you havent gotten the biorb yet. if you were planning on getting a fish for the biorb, you could go with a male betta (of course), or a few females, another option could be a handful of guppies. there arent as many options seeing as though the tank is quite small. you could get some whitecloud minnow, danios, and some other very small coldwater fish, but you are quite limited. if, however, you get a tank of 5 gallons or more, and you are able to get a heater, your range of options get quite larger. from small tropical fish like tetras, and barbs, as well as danios, mollies, guppies, and platies. you have quite a few options to choose from as long as you do not overstock and get a heater. good luck with it....

    ps- if those links dont show up, just search the mini bow 5 gallon tank, eclipse system 6 tank, and the booshelf 6.6 aquarium kit. sorry if the links dont work out

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