
What type of food do plants make from carbon dioxide, water and sunlight?

by Guest62009  |  earlier

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What type of food do plants make from carbon dioxide, water and sunlight?




  1. Obviously Glucose!!!

  2. Plants use the energy from sunlight to convert water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in to carbohydrates, and to a lesser extent, proteins and fats.

  3. well, its through a process called photosynthesis, which goes a little like:

    6CO2  +   6H2O  -------(light)--------> C6H12O6   + 6O2

    so, they produce glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen.

    and glucose is used to make energy for them to do whatever.

  4. Using the items mentioned in the question , namely, Carbon dioxide, water and Sunlight ; plants make GLUCOSE.

    It is a carbohydrate that is soluble in water .

    It is used as an immediate energy source or converted in to starch for storage .

    All other organic molecules such as lipids , proteins etc. are directly or indirectly derived from this simplest of all sugars.

    Sun light is the energy source and other two are the raw material and Oxygen is the byproduct .

  5. They make STARCH mainly. Basically, the end products of photosynthesis are GLUCOSE (simplest carbohydrate, if you're going technical then you call it a monosaccharide), WATER (H20) and OXYGEN as a waste product (which is then released). Glucose is either used readily as an energy-giving product, or it is converted to STARCH, which is stored in various parts of the plant so that it can be used later.

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