
What type of food do you eat first thing in the morning ?

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What type of food do you eat first thing in the morning ?




  1. Cereal.

  2. Cereal  

  3. Liquid food, especially coffee.

  4. Most mornings I have toast (no jam) and an apple.

    I just finished eating that...I have to go to school for the first time in 20 minutes. :((

  5. cereal

  6. Nutra Grain Wheat cereal, or muesli bars, bananas, etc.


  7. toast

  8. I need an espresso in the morning.

  9. I eat a cut up apple and i drink a glass of cranberry and raspberry and then i leave for school

  10. Nothing. I don't eat until about noon.  

  11. Porridge / Cereals like Honey Stars, KoKo crunch...etc.  

  12. weetabix

  13. Porridge then eggs with tea and may be some toasts.

  14. I don't usually eat breakfast.

    I usually grab a tea at the coffee shop.

  15. I just have lots and lots of coffee

  16. breakfast?? lol

  17. Porridge with berries (blueberry's or raspberry), toast and coffee.  

  18. breakfast food

  19. i just ate alot!

    i started off good, i ate a banana and porridge then stuffed down some chocolate moose and two custard creams!!

    woops! oh well all day to burn it off!!!

  20. Any Breakfast item, like Cereal (Oh..Big on that.), Waffles/Pancakes, Fruit (Almost everyday) oatmeal and stuff like that. Sometimes I eat left over food, like Random Sushi in the fridge ;D

  21. Im having breakfast now

    I'm eating shreddies

  22. Cereal or Toast usually!

  23. Just coffee. No cream no sugar.  

  24. Either porridge, or Greek yogurt

  25. Either cereal or fruit

  26. Usually something filling like poached eggs on toast. I love breakfast.

  27. I am terrible at breakfast I really am.

    Take today - I had two creme caramels and a cup of tea.

    Yesterday it was two fudge yoghurts and a cup of coffee.

    Sometimes its just a gallon of coffee and no food.

    I wish I could say:

    Porridge, orange juice and one of my five a day fruit portions!

    But my halo might choke me if I did!

  28. Nothing. I don't eat until about 2 PM sometimes.

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