
What type of gear would you need??

by  |  earlier

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I want to try a triathalon, nothing super hard, just a 1/2 mile swim, 6 mile bike and 2 mile run. I was wondering what kind of gear you would need and what you would wear..thanks




  1. They make good trisuits for women, like a bathing suit with a pad in the seat for cycling.  Swim goggles.  Use whatever bike you have, helmets are mandatory you'll be DQ'd with out one and don't even undo the chin strap until you're off the bike.  For a short race like that cycling shoes are not necessary unless you already have them.  The time you save on the bike is lost by changing shoes in transition.  Some people use a special belt to pin the race number to.  Work on your bike to run bricks, that's the hader transition for the legs to make.

    Good luck

  2. i would wear baggy comfy shorts

    comfy top


    if it is up hill gear 1

    if it is down hill gear 6

    if it is flat gear 3

  3. Get a single speed bike.  If you're that fit, you dont need a multi-speeder

  4. One thing I've used in transition is a trash can.  Big enough for a your foot.  After you come out of the water in the swim and run barefoot, you pick up stones and c**p on your feet, dunk it in the trash can full of water, viola, clean feet.

    As a female you have the advantage of using your swim suit for the entire event, you could put on shorts over it for the ride and run.

    A good pair of running shoes.

    oh and this would be key!

    just kidding, when you get good, you can move up to that..

    relax and have fun.


    Ride Lots!

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