
What type of government does Spain have? [I will give 10 points for the best answer today]?

by Guest67036  |  earlier

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Please i need help with an history assignment!!!

1. What kind of government does Spain have?

2. What part of the world is Spain in?

3. Who are Spain's most important allies?

4. What major conflicts have Spain been envolved it with other countries (these can be military, economic, or political)?

5. Describe the separatist movement in Spain




  1. Constitutional monarchy.

  2. 1. As said, a constitutional monarchy. Elected parliament makes laws and the royalty serves as official head of state.

    2. Southwesternmost Europe on the Iberian Peninsula.

    3. NATO, of which Spain is a member. NATO includes many nations including most of Europe and the USA and Canada.

    4. In centuries past Spain had historical enmity with England and Holland -- before that with the Ottoman Empire. During the first and second World Wars Spain was neutral but nevertheless active (see, for example, and Spain suffered a bloody civil war 1936-1939 with international proxies contributing significant aid to each side Facist and Communist.

    5. Too big a topic to answer here. Search the net for "Basque" and "Catalan" and "Galicia" and "separatist".

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