
What type of grants are out there for single teen mothers?

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I graduate high school this coming up May and my baby is due in February. I have all intentions on going on to college. I really want to get into law school. What type of grants are out there to help single teen mothers in either Georgia or South Carolina.




  1. Get a job.

    Get child-support payments.


  3. There are TONS of them. You can either research them on google or talk to the counselor at the school that you are interested in going to. I recommend the latter- they have all of the information on grants and what the requirements are for each grant. You can find this information online, but it's much more difficult and very time consuming.

  4. well since you have a kid you are considered independent!!  lucky you!  when you fill out your fafsa, you can leave off your parents info, not counting their income.  Therefore, you are pretty likely to recieve a federal pell grant, which is money for college that you never have to pay back as long as you keep your grades up and pass the semester.

    Also, they might offer you a Perkins Loan, or a Subsidized Stafford Loan.  These loans are subsidized by the government, meaning that you don't pay any interest on them for the time that you are in school.  If you borrow $5000 dollars, then that is what you will owe at the end of school.

    They will also probably offer you an unsubsidized loan.  I would avoid this if possible because these loans do collect interest while you're in school so you'll end up owing more than what you borrowed.

  5. Not only are there a bunch of grants available to you (check out the other posters' sites - all of them are REALLY great), but a lot of scholarships as well. I've found that if you just do a Google search with a few key words (ie single teen mother scholarship) you'll get a ton of hits, available from a number of organizations/institutions all over the country.

    Kudos to you. Seriously. Good luck with your search.

  6. grants only come from government funding.

  7. Check out these sites:

    1) (GREAT site!)





    Good Luck...

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