
What type of grogeries do you buy when you go grogery shopping?Do you buy enough to last the week or the month

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do you make a list when you go grogery shopping or do you just go down every row when you get there? how do you know you have enough grogeries for everybody to eat in your family? Do you stock up on certain items that may be on sale?




  1. I get enough for at least a week... sometimes two.

    I set up meal plans, and make sure I get something to cook for dinner every night, and that I have "quick" breakfast stuff and lunch for the kids when they are home during the day and not at the baby sitter.  

  2. Can honestly say I have never been grogery shopping but I have gone grocery shopping but since its only me and a cat I only go about once a week

  3. What is a grogery?

  4. I usually buy food by the week and I still have a hard time finding out how much food my family will eat during the week. I do try to buy curtain food if it is on sale and stock up.

  5. when I go grocery shopping I try to get enough of the major things to last 2 weeks. I know that I will have to run out and get things like milk, bread and fresh fruit at least once.

    I just started to do some "30 day cooking" so I make a lot of meals at once and just pull them out of the freezer. 2 weeks ago I bought 16 pounds of ground beef. I premade meatballs, meatloaf, 2 different casseroles, and hamburger patties. I still have most of it in the freezer. this weekend I bought 3 pounds of ground beef for tacos and hamburger patties. Generally I have things like bread, fresh fruit, milk, eggs, fresh veggies, frozen veggies, diapers, cereal bars, sliced cheese, lunchmeat, and things like that on my list. if I see something I use on sale I might stock a few extras.

    I also shop the local warehouse club for things like snacks for the kids...I can get 36 gogurt tubes for like $6 there...or 48-60 granola bars for under $10...or 6 months worth of paper towels for $18

  6. I make a list that I am out of so I know I get it. At times I do try to follow the list and at times I don't get some extra stuff. Right now I am at the point hate to grocery shop. right now it just three of us. But I am pregnant and I got two kids that need to gain weight. I buy chicken nuggest and happy face fries. I cook on lunch or supper one day on the weekend. At times I don't know want to eat or cook just because I am pregnant and tired, At times want I fix I don't get a lot because I start not feeling to well. I am trying to change my ways with grocery shopping it not working to well. I do try to load up the things are on sale. I also get coupons. I use coupons to try to help me. I am single mom and bills take my money.. I am in a new relationship with a wonderful guy.. If I need anything he would help me out..

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