
What type of groups/people will be good to recruit for a special interest group "students against drugs"?

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College students against drugs is the name of the special interest group and I need help in the type of people I should recruit for the group?




  1. Well look for wealthy libertarians that want to legalize and profit from the sales of the drugs. Most of them do not want people using them but support your right to and have no qualms making an healthy profit off of you.

    I can see them publicly denouncing the use of drugs while selling them at their own stores.

  2. Its tough,start at an AA group(or any member in college thats been in one),believe it or not,after youve been in them,then out,you have a better understanding and compassion for the people whom are still using,and a helpful hand for those who want out.Just being a group that demonizes people for what they do will get you no where,and wont help one d**n thing.

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